We require all staff to possess the CNIM, Certification in Intraoperative Neuromonitoring from the national accrediting body, ABRET®, or the Diplomate of the American Board of Neurophysiological Monitoring, DABNM. This is a mandatory requirement for employment. GGN does not accept ABRET or ABNM board eligible or other ABRET credentials in place of the CNIM board for employment. All GGN surgical neurophysiologists have more than six (6) years of individual experience in thousands of IONM cases and participate in ongoing education and training in IONM practices. This practice assures our hospital clients of our unparalleled ability to always meet their needs from routine spinal monitoring to advanced, complex monitoring of less common operations involving the brain, spinal cord, and/or peripheral nervous system.
Jennifer McEvoy, BA, CNIM. Ms. McEvoy is the Managing Partner and an active surgical neurophysiologist. She has a degree in molecular and cell biology from UC Berkeley which provides a strong background in neurobiology related to the detection of impending neurological deficit during surgery. Jennifer has personally supplied IONM for over 1,500 different surgical procedures, including IONM for acoustic neuromas, microvascular decompressions, cortical tumor resections with motor/sensory mapping and direct cortical stimulation, electrocorticography for epilepsy surgery, aneurysm clippings and embolizations, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar level spine surgeries, tethered cord and corrective scoliosis surgery.
Nina Garga, MD. Dr. Garga, GGN’s Medical Advisor, a licensed California physician, completed a fellowship in IONM and holds a subspecialty Board Certification in Clinical Neurophysiology (ABCN) as well as Board Certification in Neurology (ABPN). Dr. Garga is available for medical consultation when needed for any GGN monitored cases and participates in the Quality Assurance/Risk Management Committee directing changes in clinical practice procedures and policy as needed.
Sabrina G. Galloway, BS, R. EEG/EP T., CNIM, CLTM, FASET. Ms. Galloway is an internationally recognized leader in the neuromonitoring field with over 35 years of experience of proven success and competence. She is an accomplished medical administrator for intraoperative monitoring companies both large and small in scale with a strong background in strategic operations management. Her consulting experience with The Joint Commission accreditation standards provides for a knowledge base of governmental, regulatory and hospital compliance. Ms. Galloway has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in neurodiagnostics and authored multiple book chapters. She lends her expertise to every hospital client she works with for improved quality patient care, evidence-based best practices and risk management mitigation. Ms. Galloway supports GGN in their accomplishments for supplying the highest quality care.

Our founder Charles Yingling, PhD., DABNM was an internationally known top practitioner and educator in the field of IONM. While Dr. Yingling is no longer with us (1943-2021) his memory and teachings survive with our practice of putting our patients first to deliver superior quality and professional expertise to our surgeons and hospital clients we serve.